My Gums Hurt!
Did you know that periodontal disease affects approximate 80% of Americans?
What is Periodontal Disease?
Periodontal disease is when the gums become infected with bad bacteria and overtakes the good bacteria.
What are some symptoms of Periodontal Disease?
Some symptoms may include, pain in the gums, bleeding gums, bad breathe, and recession of the gums. If you have any of these symptoms and have not seen a dentist in a while, please go see one.
What can I do to prevent this?
Prevention is very easy but takes a lot of motivation and diligence. Basically, brushing twice a day and flossing twice a day is the foundation of success. Visiting your dentist every 3-6 months, depending on what your dentist says, will monitor the healing and also maintain your gums for you with a cleaning. Creating good habits will prevent problems later. Remember it takes about 21 days to create a habit, so start now!
Will Listerine or other rinses help my gum infection?
Listerine is a powerful rinse. Unfortunately for people with periodontal disease, the areas of concern are much deeper than the rinses usually reach. Your dentist may prescribe other rinses which may be more effective for your periodontal disease, but the most important part is physically going into the area and giving it a good cleaning!
My gums are becoming lower!
Your gums are pockets where your tooth sits. When healthy, these pockets are very shallow and can be cleaned with your average SOFT toothbrush. When infected, these pockets can be very deep making it a home for food and bacteria since your tooth brush can not efficiently clean these areas out. This can cause several problems including bone loss which makes the gums follow the bone. Overall this may lead to premature tooth loss.
If you are experiencing any gum problems, my advice is for you to go see your dentist. If you have any questions, go ahead and email me at I will be glad to answer any questions that you have!
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